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URC CCP Download
This thread has 181 replies. Displaying posts 151 through 165.
Post 151 made on Thursday March 28, 2019 at 11:57
DJ Garcia
Founding Member
August 2001
Software should always be installed as Admin.
DJ - MX-4000 LG 77G3
Post 152 made on Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 23:50
Lurking Member
December 2018
I just got 2 MX-6000 remotes and for my surprise URC is not providing the CCP software. I was wondering if you found the software for programming the MX-6000.
I know it 8 years since your post, but I have to try to find the software. These remotes look cool.
Any help finding the software is appreciated.

Thank you.
Post 153 made on Sunday June 7, 2020 at 21:55
Junior Member
June 2020
Hi, would you please email me the CCP program, Thank you.
Post 154 made on Sunday June 7, 2020 at 22:02
Junior Member
June 2020
Please give the Links or email me me the CCP program.
My email: [email protected]
Post 155 made on Tuesday June 9, 2020 at 21:41
Long Time Member
December 2006
On June 7, 2020 at 22:02, Pesik said...
Please give the Links or email me me the CCP program.

You probably should read this end-user information:

URC MX-890, MX-780, MX-450, R40, MX-500, Sony XBR-55X900E, Panny TC-P55ST60, Tivo Roamio Pro & Premiere & OTA, TWC Arris DVR, Onkyo 333 AVR, Roku Express 4K, Panasonic Blu-Ray
Post 156 made on Thursday August 6, 2020 at 12:23
Junior Member
August 2020
Wow ... First I am a master HVAC technician . We all know why the CCP software was not distributed with remote its a scam . Its a way for A V companies to team up with a company and make money .. you buy and sell our remotes we won’t offer the software to the lower level of humans out there .
That way they will have to call you and you can go to there house and charge 400 per room to setup some macros. The whole thing is disgusting. I have people everyday asking for help with there air conditioning I help as many people as I can . let’s face it not everyone has the money to pay a technician 215-275 an hour To fix an Air Conditioner . I was one of those people who on a whim . Went to an estate sale picked up a
JVC DILA-HD550 with a fixed screen 100” Stewart Firehawk Filmscreen and a remote .. After getting it home I didn’t think much of it I’ve owned crap like harmony and quickly realized they weren’t for me .. after a month or so I seen the remote sitting on my dresser I decide to look at it . Well no battery no charger so I go onto eBay and I bought another remote exact model anyway it came with charger and battery .. paid 60.00 for the one on eBay I think
I get it home power it up and .. NO WAY to program so I call the company on remote and ask about what I need to do .. URC tells me they don’t give the software . I have to wait to receive a call from there sales staff with info for someone to call . So I wait 2 weeks and nothing . I then call them again they tell me same thing take info and we will call . Two weeks nothing The funny thing is everytime I call URC I am told that I could easily obtain a copy of this software from any ANY URC dealer .. I found that to be total bull$&@@ . . So at this point I start calling around one company wants 400.00 flat rate to come out and setup a MX-980 I have one projector 1-receiver 1-Apple tv
No RF BASE ... just remote and three items .. I found a guy I’m not gonna mention the name of company or anything But he tells me yes I’ll do it 75.00 per hour I’m like ok . Fine. We set a date and on the day he was to come out I’m told that he is not seeing that model in CCP anymore ? And that he couldn’t do it .. So I call URC again they tell me there not sure what he’s looking at but the Mx-980 is still in CCP
Anyway he never came out.. I’m at my wits end with this . URC stil hasn’t called I’m not paying 400.00 to program a reciever and 2 macros .
It makes me so sick that I have two of these remotes lol . Anyway just my two cents . It looks like an amazing product I wish I could use it . Reading all these post you know .. we are in hard times and to tell anyone that you don’t deserve to have something because you didn’t buy it the correct way . Is just not human .
We all have to make money one way or another but we all need to help thy brother . Telling someone there stealing a product when they bought it outright is just mean . And mean people suck . These people on here asking for help are not in your area they can’t call you to do it even if they paid for it .so chill be nice . You would be suprised how good of a day you have when you go out of your way to help someone for absolutely nothing in return . During this COVID outbreak there are 25,000,000 people unemployed as of may 2020 that were prev employed .. man do you know how many people that is . I’m sure it’s waaay worse now . Do you know how many people will loose there homes there everything . People are dying and there having to do it alone . It’s a very stressful time we all could benefit from a little help . Now I don’t think I purchased the Mx-980 to the point I don’t deserve to be able to use it .any item you sell from anywhere will end up in secondary market it’s just not fair to not be able to use something until your forced to spend as much as the remote cost . Anyway that’s just my 2 cents on this . I too have been duped into a remote I can’t use .
Post 157 made on Saturday September 19, 2020 at 14:13
Lurking Member
June 2012
Do you mind sending me a copy of the Universal CCP SW
[email protected]
Post 158 made on Sunday September 27, 2020 at 03:03
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On September 19, 2020 at 14:13, 2niceguy2 said...
Do you mind sending me a copy of the Universal CCP SW
[email protected]

You know the answer is no! Why do these people keep posting?

1) How is anyone going to send you a copy, it is WAY to large to email. So it would have to be hosted on a file server site. URC finds out someone is hosting it, they are in for some crap. Any other way would involve mailing a disc or USB drive - which cost money.
Post 159 made on Monday September 28, 2020 at 14:27
Select Member
March 2004
On September 27, 2020 at 03:03, Brad Humphrey said...
You know the answer is no! Why do these people keep posting?

1) How is anyone going to send you a copy, it is WAY to large to email. So it would have to be hosted on a file server site. URC finds out someone is hosting it, they are in for some crap. Any other way would involve mailing a disc or USB drive - which cost money.

You don't know the answer was no. Guy provided his email address. Anyone could have read their post and emailed them providing the software (via whatever method) on condition they don't disclose that fact here on the forums.

And FYI to those listening in, don't bother contacting me with such requests. My response will always be to suck it up and purchase a URC remote online that comes with the software, then reselling the remote or gifting it to someone if you don't have a use for it.

Last edited by Lowpro on September 28, 2020 14:42.
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Post 160 made on Monday October 5, 2020 at 09:40
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
i used to argue with these guys begging for software and getting mad at URC for not supplying it.

But who really cares if they get the software?  It's not my job to police URC's policies and there is always going to be someone lurking around here willing to provide the software to anyone that asks.

Let them have it.  They'll never be your customer anyway.  In fact, if you're lucky, they'll be your competition's customer.
Post 161 made on Friday October 9, 2020 at 01:28
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
But how are they going to get it? The file is almost 1GB in size.
It can't be emailed.
It would either have to be hosted by someone for them (no way in hell I would do that for a stranger).
Or a copy would have to be mailed to them on disc or flash drive.

They give me $50, I might think about doing that last one :)
Post 162 made on Wednesday November 18, 2020 at 18:03
Junior Member
November 2020
Danman can you please send me the link i cant find it anywhere.
Post 163 made on Friday November 27, 2020 at 14:32
Junior Member
November 2020
[Edit 3/4/21: several people have reached out asking for the dealer who I worked with. Unfortunately, as of a couple weeks back, his site is down and I don't have any other contact method. Good luck, fellow hobbyist.]

[Edit 11/29/20: this replaces my short post seeking CCP a few days ago. I’m deleting it since I got what I needed, and adding some context for future visitors who end up here via a Google search for the installer files.]

For regular members of the RC community, If you reached out by DM, here's the update: I made an awesome connection with an expert and got the software I needed in a mutually beneficial transaction that didn't violate URC’s license to dealers.

For other hobbyists and DIY guys who come here next, here's what you need to know.  The URC authorized resellers on here just don’t care that you think it's absurd you can't just download the software you need to program your expensive remote. They make money programming these, so your interests aren’t aligned asking for a copy of the software. Also, they’re not allowed to give you a copy under their license with URC, unless you’re a customer.

Here's what worked for me.  I found a friendly URC dealer and offered $50 to be on-call for a half-hour of help if I ran into trouble installing CCP or connecting my remote.  I told him I’ll use his service if it turned out to be more than I wanted to handle. Worked great. He gave me the software and made a few bucks for doing almost nothing. I am now busily digging into the details and figuring out how to really play with my awesome new toy.

Good luck on your quest!

Last edited by Benfinity on March 4, 2021 15:25.
Post 164 made on Wednesday February 10, 2021 at 21:38
Junior Member
February 2021
can you please send me the link to dl the CCP program. i just bought a remote and system on offer up but nothing about the program with the stuff i inherited. thanks
Post 165 made on Monday March 15, 2021 at 21:29
Junior Member
March 2021
If anyone here knows of a dealer willing to make a similar deal to Benfinity's, please let me know. I've contacted several dealers and none have gotten back to me yet. :(


- Pat
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