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Teardown of MX-990? For cleaning/lubrication
This thread has 1 response. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Sunday March 31, 2024 at 19:58
CZ Eddie
Long Time Member
March 2009
My MX-990 has a squeaky button. Would like to take it apart and clean it. This wasn't so bad on MX-980's. Anyone ever done it with the 990 and can offer some pointers about what part of the body to pry apart and what to watch for as it comes apart?

WD40 for the win?
Post 2 made on Thursday April 11, 2024 at 21:11
Founding Member
November 2001
Afraid I cannot offer much in terms of resources but I can tell you that I have opened one up to do some repair work.  I dont remember it being any more difficult then other remotes I have opened.  URC makes them pretty tight so use plastic tools as much as possible.  I think I started near the USB port (but did not pry on it directly) as a starting point to separate the case.  And very slowly worked my way around.

Again, sorry I cant offer more info.

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