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Visa Electronics (italy) model "Global 8"
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 6, 2011 at 09:16
Lurking Member
January 2011
hi :)

i have a tv set (graetz) without an RC, recently a relative found that RC (on the topic) in his house and gave it to me, unfortunatly he doesnt remember how to use the RC to lock a code... theres a list of codes on their main website (visa elec') but the instructions of how to put the codes in is nowhere to find :\

(ive searched for it on the files section on this website and that company doesnt even appears to be in it..)

heres a pic of a related model, mine is "global 8" and that one is "global plus" accept for the model name everything looks the same as my model

also, i think i could manage to get along with any instrucions for any model of the series (global 2/4/8/plus) because i only need the combination of buttons in order to get the remote into coding mode and i guess its the same with all of those models...

i just couldnt find it anywhere...  after searching almost all of google in english ive started searching in italian (and i dont speak italian !  ^_^   )

so ill be very thankfull for any help,

thanks ahead,

Post 2 made on Thursday January 6, 2011 at 14:30
RC Moderator
August 2001
Bit of a long shot, but try holding the TV button for about 10 seconds. If it works the programming LED should flash. Enter the code for your TV and try it.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday January 6, 2011 at 18:00
Lurking Member
January 2011
hey :)

well, the RC has a "code" button (to the left of the PWR button) so i guess its the button needed, but when pressing it alone it doesnt do anything even when trying to alternate combinations with other buttons.... i think its impossible without the user manual...

but thanks for your effort :)
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday January 6, 2011 at 19:33
Lurking Member
January 2011
yay !

after few hours of trial and error ive managed to program that damn remote..

if itll help future queries (though im in doubt anyone but me will ever use an old remote like that... ^_^ )
the method is - "TV"(short press)->"CODE"(press for 5 sec's and release)->press the 4 digit code from the catalog on visa website->the green light will flash twice and than you try the RC....

my tv model was not on the catalog so after guessing ive figured out the method i had to try 100 or more codes untill one of them finnaly worked...

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