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Need a Manual for a RCA Universal remote
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 23, 2011 at 23:45
Lurking Member
July 2011

I am looking for the manual or instruction guide for a RCU303 universal tv/vcr/cable remote.  I looked in the manual sections and there is a remote called the RCU303 but, the manual is is actually for the CRCU303 (a more simpler remote and not the model that I have).  The model that I have looks like this:

I am trying to get this working with a Toshiba MV13M3 tv/vcr combo unit.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is getting incredibly frustrating and i am not sure how to set the codes.  The codes I have for the toshiba unit are 0260 or 0358. 

Post 2 made on Monday July 25, 2011 at 15:56
RC Moderator
August 2001
I'm no RCA expert, but I'm wondering whether the remote you have belongs to the packaging it's in; it's supposed to be a 3-in-1 model, but there's only TV and VCR buttons.

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