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Question on MX-3000 with Logitech Adapter
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 18:15
Lurking Member
March 2011
Hi all -

I've been reading through most of this, and I've downloaded the hex file for the logitech ps3 adapter commands. The thing that still confuses me is whether or not there is a way to turn off the PS3 using the MX-3000, aside from going though the PS3's menu system.

I saw that the "PS3 Harmony Adapter Codes MX3000" file (which I downloaded from somewhere but can no longer figure out where) had a macro called "P-OFF Macro". For some reason, I can't drag and drop this macro. Is that the solution and I'm just having trouble with the software?

Any help is much appreciated. My hats off to the guys like Daniel and others who I see post after post from.

Post 2 made on Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 22:42
Super Member
July 2006
When you hit power off try keeping the remote aimed for up to 45 seconds. The sequence for power off is very long.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday March 4, 2011 at 22:28
Lurking Member
March 2011
Thanks for the response. Still having an issue though. When I use universal editor, there are two items under the Devices->PS3->Page3 menu. The first is "OffStep_1_UB". The second is "OFFMacro". The "OffStep_1_UB" button can be dragged and dropped to the IR data section on Mx-3K editor, but the "OFFMacro" button can't be selected. There's no "Learned Data" when I select "OFFMacro."

So I guess the challenge for me is understanding how to get that macro over to the ir data section so I can send it to the remote. Or is this an editor software error?

Anyone who can help... much appreciated...

Post 4 made on Saturday March 12, 2011 at 19:56
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
You can't drag-and-drop macros that way. Basically, unlike other adapters, the Harmony does not have an onboard power-off macro, and relies on a macro stored entirely on the remote. So basically you'll just have to create your own power off macro. I think some posts have been made to give you an idea of the needed steps.

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