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URC-R50 wont learn PS3 commands from Harmony One
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 1, 2012 at 22:01
Lurking Member
August 2012
I have a PS3 with the Harmony adapter. I have my current Harmony One programmed with the correct codeset and it works fine. I'm replacing the Harmony with the R50. I tried having the R50 learn all the commands from my Harmony One, but none of them work. I tried learning several times.

Am I missing something. There is no reason I can think of that this shouldn't work with the possible exception of the Power Off macro.

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated...
Post 2 made on Friday August 3, 2012 at 18:25
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
The Harmony adapter uses a very odd code format, and I know URC has not been the best at reproducing them in the past. I believe they had added them to their database, but they may not be in your particular R50.

Try some of the various tricks on this page [Link:] one of them might help.

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