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LG 2023 OLED G3 TV code set
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 4, 2024 at 08:31
Long Time Member
September 2003

I'm about to buy a 2023 LG OLED G3 series TV.
Can anyone point me to a list of discrete IR commands for those?
I've found a few codes in the file area for 2008 and 2012 TVs - not sure if these are still working for the 2023 models?

Thanks in advance!

OP | Post 2 made on Saturday January 13, 2024 at 02:35
Long Time Member
September 2003
For the record: the Global Caché database has an extensive set of codes that appear to be working with the 2023 models well (for the supported functions).

However, my model has a "..." (More) button that opens an actions menu related to the current context. The UI representation is a button with three vertical dots.
I was not able to find a code for this one and learning it from the original remote failed as well - I'm not even sure the button emits an IR signal.

According to the TV's documentation, the button can be emulated by a long press on "[Yellow]" for remotes without a dedicated "..." button, but this doesn't work for my model even with the original remote.

So if anyone has a code for "..." I would appreciate it.


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