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Cant get correct inputs or use physical turn off button
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Post 1 made on Sunday September 25, 2022 at 07:39
Junior Member
September 2022
I have a series of problems which I hope can be fixed by changing my Harmony settings, rather than being an issue with the component parts!
I have an LG C1, Marantz SR7015, and a Humax BTTV DTR T4000, source connects to amp only, with Amp connected to tv by Earc.
Problem 1:
I want to have an activity called Stream, which turns on the amp and the tv, and takes the tv to the home page, where I can flick around the apps to select say Netflix, with Amp set to take sound from EArc
My activity setting is this:
1 Amp powers on
2 5 second delay
3 Amp input TVAudio (ie this is the amp input taking sound from the tv)
4 5 second delay
5 TV Power on
6 TV Input Smart tv

Point 6 takes TV effectively to home page, and I added the delays because I wanted to ensure turning one thing on or off didn’t affect anything else.

What's going wrong? A) Tv sometimes but not always sets to ARC out. I know I haven’t told it to, I don’t know how to do it on the Harmony software, and don’t know why it works sometimes on its own but not other times. B) The above setup seems to lock out the tv accepting commands. I had tried having the TV commands first then Amp commands, and it didn’t help. Once I’ve done the above, to be able to use the harmony remote on the LG, I have to select devices, then the TV,, then I can use it. C) This is a problem on other bits as well, but despite the above activity, the Amp doesn’t always set to TVAudio, even though I told it to. Its part of the reason I put delays in, to try and ensure its getting the message

Problem 2:
My setup has my aerial going into the Humax box only, so I only watch terrestrial tv via the Humax. I can turn on the box, amp and tv ok (proviso is that I get sometimes problem C above, sometimes it sets to the wrong amp input). Main problem however is that on the harmony handset, the “everything off” button on top left crashes the Humax box. It turns off the tv and amp ok and crashes the box. Workaround at moment is to power off the Humax using the original Humax remote, using the power everything off hard button on harmony, which I guess is a toggle as it turns ON the Humax, then I turn Humax off again using the original Humax remote.

Problem 3: alluded to above, but the amp doesn’t always react to me telling what inputs to use, its like either it remembers what it was on last time it was off or randomly selects an input. Without touching any remotes at all I’ve had it flick to HEOS in the middle of watching a film (I don’t use HEOS at all so it shouldn’t “remember” using it before), and first thing I’ve checked is that I haven’t sat on a remote and butt pressed something!

Apologies if there’s any bit unclear, but any help would be gratefully accepted!
Post 2 made on Monday September 26, 2022 at 00:27
Super Member
May 2003
Full disclosure: I'm not a Harmony, Marantz, or Humax guy.

For many units the 5 second delay is too short. You need to experiment with the delays. If you are using the native receiver remote, how long must you wait after Power ON before you can reliably select an input? Use this as your delay. Same for the TV and Humax.

Also, you may be having a CEC (Consumer Electronic Control) spat. The idea here is that you can give a command to a "box", such as a DVD player and it will communicate with other devices using the CEC pin in the HDMI connection. The plan is that with a single DVD Play command, all of the other boxes will power up and select the correct input. Unfortunately, this does not always work as intended. Installer Pro's hate CEC.

I can't give a full CEC tutorial here and you'll notice that a manufacturer, such as LG, will have a private name for "CEC". You can search for CEC information. Be prepared for many complaints and "sure fire" solutions that don't work. Sometimes the best approach, especially since you have a Harmony, is to simply turn OFF CEC for all of your boxes and manage power and input selection with the Harmony. Unfortunately, some boxes require CEC to be enabled before some basic features, such as surround sound or video modes, can be used.

With respect to disabling CEC you can also insert a CEC blocker in the HDMI cables. With the blocker installed, you can enable CEC on a box, but it will never actually send or receive any CEC commands. I've had to resort to using these a few times to suppress rogue commands.

Is HEOS set to autoplay? Another wild possibility might be that a defective remote will ghost press a button. You could test this by keeping the remotes in a closed shoe box. This will block all IR commands. If this stops the HEOS issue, then bring the remotes out of the box, one by one, until you find the "ghost".

Last edited by buzz on September 26, 2022 05:21.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday September 26, 2022 at 03:23
Junior Member
September 2022
Hi, i will give that a try, many thanks!
Post 4 made on Monday September 26, 2022 at 05:32
Super Member
May 2003
One annoying quirk that I’ve seen:

I’ll start a power down command sequence with a TV Power OFF command. This suppresses annoying messages displayed on the TV as input devices are powered down. Near the end of the command sequence the cable box will assume that I must want to watch cable and the cable box sends a CEC command to Power ON the TV. Initially you might assume that the TV never powered down, but this is not the case. The solution is to send a second Power OFF command to the TV or use CEC suppressors.

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