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MX-810 Software
This thread has 27 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Thursday April 28, 2011 at 17:25
Lurking Member
April 2011
Hello All,

I recently purchased a URC MX-810 remote off for my boss. However, I am not stuck; due to the fact that you have to send in a request to get the remote software. However, the place is closed. I was wondering if anyone could send me the software via email or upload it.

I live about 2hours from my boss and would really like to get this setup today.

Thank You for all your help / suggestions.

Post 2 made on Thursday April 28, 2011 at 22:18
Active Member
November 2010
On April 28, 2011 at 17:25, MattBamm said...
Hello All,

I recently purchased a URC MX-810 remote off for my boss. However, I am not stuck; due to the fact that you have to send in a request to get the remote software. However, the place is closed. I was wondering if anyone could send me the software via email or upload it.

I live about 2hours from my boss and would really like to get this setup today.

Thank You for all your help / suggestions.


Sorry Matt,

That's probably not going to happen here.
You need to contact your dealer or the manufacture directly.
I keep pointing my remote at the turntable but, it never advances to the next track.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday April 29, 2011 at 09:28
Lurking Member
April 2011
Np, I got ahold of a dealer in California and he was nice enough to help me out.
Thanks for everything!

I did have another question; is it possible to transfer the information stored in 1 mx-810 to another? Reason is my old MX810 broke inside where it charges and I cant charge the battery anymore so I bought a new one.


Last edited by MattBamm on April 29, 2011 10:14.
Post 4 made on Friday April 29, 2011 at 12:01
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On April 29, 2011 at 09:28, MattBamm said...
Np, I got ahold of a dealer in California and he was nice enough to help me out.
Thanks for everything!

I did have another question; is it possible to transfer the information stored in 1 mx-810 to another? Reason is my old MX810 broke inside where it charges and I cant charge the battery anymore so I bought a new one.


from what I have read, it is not possible to retrieve the program from the remote.  can you get in touch with the person that programmed your remote orignally?  if they still have the file, they could email it to you so you could load it onto the new remote.

OP | Post 5 made on Friday April 29, 2011 at 14:19
Lurking Member
April 2011
Yep, apparently the mx-810 is the only remote(in their line) that cannot upgrade its config file to a computer.
I called the original vender and he was able to email me the config file.

Thanks everyone for all your help.
Post 6 made on Friday April 29, 2011 at 23:35
Active Member
November 2010
Glad things are working out for you MattBamm.

I'm sorry we can't just shoot the software over to ya but, you seem to be making some great progress. I wish you luck with your install.
I keep pointing my remote at the turntable but, it never advances to the next track.
Post 7 made on Monday March 26, 2012 at 05:54
Long Time Member
March 2012
What is the big fuss over this software for MX-810?
It is supposed to be Prosumer and DIY remote, it is not intended to go thru hell to get the software!!! What happend to included CD's and free download links to needed softwares?
All customers of MX-810 have had problems! That's very bad of URC!
Post 8 made on Tuesday March 27, 2012 at 17:11
Loyal Member
July 2007
Just cause it was wizard based doesn't mean it was ever intended as a DIY remote. It was always in the pro line. I don't understand why people complain about policies. If you don't like the policy, buy a harmony. After a short while with the harmony, you will gladly follow URCs policies to get the software the right way. Although, my suggestion would be to go with just about any other URC remote.
Post 9 made on Tuesday March 27, 2012 at 18:53
Long Time Member
March 2012
I am not complaining about policies. MX-810 is advertised as prosumer remote, and is intended to be DIY programable, it is nowhere in pro, not on their site at least... it's the only URC in that category - same as Philips 9200, also only in it's own category, with specific program just for that one.
Maybe they abandoned it couse it came around at them...
As long as URC gives a link to the software it is fine.
Post 10 made on Tuesday March 27, 2012 at 19:33
Loyal Member
July 2007
I will say that I think URC has an AWFUL website. It should simply have a pull down menu or at least a link to a page with all available remotes, broken up by Pro or Consumer models. They should also have any legacy remotes that are no longer in circulation listed with info available on them as well. Only Pro models have PC programmable software, so you would still be out of luck there, but you could easily go to the site before purchasing to help you make the right decision.

If you dig around on the site, you can find info, but I don't think you should have to dig around. For instance, I found this after putting MX-810 in the search field:


In reading the text in the PDF, it clearly is geared towards pros as it talks about programming for your client, hinting at the fact it is a pro remote, but doesn't come right out and say it. At least not that I saw.

If you don't mind my asking, where did you buy your remote?
Post 11 made on Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 06:00
Long Time Member
March 2012
As long as we are open minded and helping each other, I don't mind anything.
I ordered it on the, vendor is HPP Enterprises. In any case, it is not stolen, or similar...
Why is that important? Certanly URC got the money from this sale...
(Actualy, my friend did all this as a present to me...)
As for software, if it was, let's say, strictly professional oriented remote, URC would have made that very clear as they did for 880: "Requires installation by an audio visual professional."
Wouldn't they?
Post 12 made on Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 07:31
Loyal Member
July 2007
On March 28, 2012 at 06:00, luka3rd said...
As long as we are open minded and helping each other, I don't mind anything.
I ordered it on the, vendor is HPP Enterprises. In any case, it is not stolen, or similar...
Why is that important? Certanly URC got the money from this sale...
(Actualy, my friend did all this as a present to me...)
As for software, if it was, let's say, strictly professional oriented remote, URC would have made that very clear as they did for 880: "Requires installation by an audio visual professional."
Wouldn't they?


Unfortunately, many people get their hands on overstock and second hand remotes and sell as new on the internet. While it is difficult to tell who is authorized an who is not, it is best practice to check before purchasing. It is unfortunate you do not have the software, but coming on a site in which you could have had the help with an attitude does not help you in any way. My suggestion is to just find a local authorized dealer and give him a call. Explain to them what your situation is and ask if they can supply you with software. Chances are they won't want to program the 810 anyway, so my guess is they won't mind supplying it. Keep in mind that it is up to the dealers discretion if he wishes to supply the software, and does not HAVE to supply it.
Post 13 made on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 04:10
Long Time Member
March 2012
Saying to someone: "coming on a site in which you could have had the help with an attitude does not help you in any way" is very rude of you!!!
It looks like you would like to teach someone a lesson but don't have who!?
Where is my "attitude"? I am asking questions! What forums are for?
I am getting help! Not from members like you, obviously...
Post 14 made on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 07:49
Loyal Member
July 2007
On March 29, 2012 at 04:10, luka3rd said...
Saying to someone: "coming on a site in which you could have had the help with an attitude does not help you in any way" is very rude of you!!!
It looks like you would like to teach someone a lesson but don't have who!?
Where is my "attitude"? I am asking questions! What forums are for?
I am getting help! Not from members like you, obviously...

Take it for what it is, doesn't bother me. You call it me being rude. I call it another newbie coming and bashing the policies of URC and calling them a bad company. We get a new person on this site daily looking for software because they did not do their homework and purchased a remote on eBay or Amazon and after receiving it realizing it doesn't come with the software. They blame URC everytime, and not the unauthorized dealer they purchased from. I don't care about teaching anyone a lesson. I would like to see people do their homework and purchase the right product from the right dealer and eliminate all these issues, but that doesn't look like it will ever happen. The fact is the software is the intellectual property of URC and they have chosen to ONLY distribute it to dealers they have authorized and trained. The result of this is that all the remotes are programmed properly and URC continues to have a name as one of the industry leaders. A remote programmed from someone who does not know what they are doing will be no better then a Harmony, and in many cases even worse. Just about every person that comes here looking for the software says the same thing, that they are an engineer that programs, or they are a technical person and will learn it quickly, or they love a challenge. The fact remains that 99% of these people will not know how to program the remote right, and will end up with issues, and look for help from URC, who will turn them away for being an end user. The URC bashing will continue.

Not trying to be rude to anyone, but people fail to understand why dealer protect the software and call us all kinds of names (not saying that you have, but others certainly have). To those folks, I always want to know what they do for a living. The fact is that control systems are a revenue source for us that helps put food on our table. I often wonder if a lawyer will write my contracts for free, if a engineer will design stuff for free, or an electrician will upgrade my service for free. You get my point. I can walk into Home Depot and buy just about everything I need to rewire my house, so why should I pay the electrician? He should just tell me how to do it. I know, sounds rediculous.

Sorry if I am ranting in your thread, but you have to understand how often people come looking for software, and either bash us or URC for not giving it out.
Post 15 made on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 09:14
Long Time Member
March 2012
Oh, sweet... I may be newbie here, but that does not measure my knowledge...
I am not blaming my dear, I am marely stating the obvious... Chill out...
Just you rent, doesn't bother me.
I thought we all were here for the common good!
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