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MX-810 Software
This thread has 27 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 28.
Post 16 made on Thursday March 29, 2012 at 09:31
Loyal Member
July 2007
On March 29, 2012 at 09:14, luka3rd said...
Oh, sweet... I may be newbie here, but that does not measure my knowledge...

Like I said, just about every new person here claims that. I am not saying that you or other new people are stupid or anything of that sort, simply that training classes to program URC remotes are in place for a reason. To get the best possible results from programming and the end result of a bulletproof control system. Again, I ask you to understand just how many new threads pop up from new people that signed up JUST to ask for software that is only available to dealers. There is one just below this thread (actually two as the person posted the question twice in two threads)
Post 17 made on Friday March 30, 2012 at 06:37
Long Time Member
March 2012
And your job is to welcome "every new person" with NOT WELCOME?
URC is pathetic for trying to cut the support for 810... it's bad for any company in any business! Many companies gone out of the business thru the history that way... but you, goldenzrule, are trying to defend URC more then themselves.
I still think that 810 is great peace of equipment, just URC didn't make the best software.
Post 18 made on Friday March 30, 2012 at 07:29
Loyal Member
July 2007
I was right on point. Another new person here to bash URC. If you are so unhappy with URC and their policies, buy Harmony. You'll love their products and software and support.
Post 19 made on Monday April 2, 2012 at 06:09
Long Time Member
March 2012
On March 30, 2012 at 07:29, goldenzrule said...
I was right on point. Another new person here to bash URC. If you are so unhappy with URC and their policies, buy Harmony. You'll love their products and software and support.

Post 20 made on Monday April 2, 2012 at 13:35
Loyal Member
July 2007
On April 2, 2012 at 06:09, luka3rd said...

Cliche or spot on? You have questioned the policies and the hardware and the way URC has designed their remotes in a couple threads now. You have admitted also that you want a remote that has Activity and Device menus. There is a perfect solution for you, Harmony. They don't work well, the break often, you have to be online to even program one, are tedious to make work well with more advanced systems, but hey, it does have Activity and Device menus, so I think you will like them.

If you preferred to have a remote that worked well, was designed by people that design remotes for a living, and not mouses and keyboards, and pc speakers, and webcams, and whatnot, then you would be happy to change your thought process and realize that what URC has been doing for years works, and works well. If you haven taken an issue with the fact that URC sells these remotes to pros that they have trained and wish to keep their software in the hands of those that they spent the money to make sure knew how to best utilize their products, then I am sorry I cannot help you. For that reason, I truly believe you would be happier with Harmony, despite their hardware not being on the same level. They are geared towards DIYers and have support channels in place to help you when and if you need it. With URC, as an end user who does not go through a authorized dealer, you will not have any support, and will only end up frustrated and angry at the end of the day.
Post 21 made on Monday April 9, 2012 at 10:47
Long Time Member
March 2012
On April 2, 2012 at 13:35, goldenzrule said...
Cliche or spot on? You have questioned the policies and the hardware and the way URC has designed their remotes in a couple threads now. You have admitted also that you want a remote that has Activity and Device menus. There is a perfect solution for you, Harmony. They don't work well, the break often, you have to be online to even program one, are tedious to make work well with more advanced systems, but hey, it does have Activity and Device menus, so I think you will like them.

If you preferred to have a remote that worked well, was designed by people that design remotes for a living, and not mouses and keyboards, and pc speakers, and webcams, and whatnot, then you would be happy to change your thought process and realize that what URC has been doing for years works, and works well. If you haven taken an issue with the fact that URC sells these remotes to pros that they have trained and wish to keep their software in the hands of those that they spent the money to make sure knew how to best utilize their products, then I am sorry I cannot help you. For that reason, I truly believe you would be happier with Harmony, despite their hardware not being on the same level. They are geared towards DIYers and have support channels in place to help you when and if you need it. With URC, as an end user who does not go through a authorized dealer, you will not have any support, and will only end up frustrated and angry at the end of the day.

Oh, friend, you have a "problem"... MX-810 has devices and activities and is not harmony!
As I said: Cliché...
You are stubborn to insanity...
Post 22 made on Monday April 9, 2012 at 14:52
Loyal Member
July 2007
On April 9, 2012 at 10:47, luka3rd said...
Oh, friend, you have a "problem"... MX-810 has devices and activities and is not harmony!
As I said: Cliché...
You are stubborn to insanity...

And as I said, spot on. You are no different than the other guys that came online to ask, then bash, then ask more questions, only to bash the product or policies even more in the end. I, and others have pointed out the flaws with the 810. If you are upset because that is the remote you bought on Amazon because it was the cheapest, and you are now finding out it is not the best choice, then there is nothing that can really be said to make you feel better about it. I've worked with a multitude of remote models and brands, and I know what is decent and what, although may have been a result of good intentions, turned out to be a disappointment. The 810 is one of those remotes. I love URC because they make great remotes, great software, and have great people on board. Even they can create a bad egg from time to time though. If you must have a wizard, and you must have activities and devices listed on your buttons, then is where you want to be.
Post 23 made on Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 13:17
Long Time Member
March 2012
What is the point of forum members like... won't say who...
Well, "810" is not for nervous and less tech savvy people, others will and do enjoy it!
It is unique, together with Philips 9200, that it is in the niche that makes custom installers mad, but their consumers very satisfied. I am sorry that not everybody wants to pay for a service that can do on its own, very often much better than a professional (as we are not talking about nuclear physics here...).
And, I have to cinfirm, if you are not truly HiFi entusiast, and did not put your HT system together, than probably it is for the best to stay away of 810, but otherwise, get it and enjoy it!
Software is very complex and complicated, but that also means that it is in the same time very capable of making your imagination the limit! You can configure, add devices, remove them, learn buttons, delete them, as many times as needed, make all the macros and activities you might want... it is so powerful that I love it!
Post 24 made on Wednesday May 21, 2014 at 21:27
Lurking Member
May 2012
Hello MattBamm. I recently purchased this unit off eBay not knowing it does not work with CCP. Can you possibly post a link to the MX810 software.
Post 25 made on Thursday December 11, 2014 at 19:28
Long Time Member
March 2008
I just stumbled on this thread, but flaming people who bought an MX-810 expecting consumer support is totally unfair. When the 810 first came out URC DID, in fact, market it as a consumer product, complete with snappy consumer packaging and a CD of the software in the package. (I bought several, including a dusty one I found on a rack at Best Buy as late as June 2010.)

It appears URC was trying to have their cake and eat it too: a Harmony-type unit that could be programmed by lower-level staff on the pro side, but which could also be sold as the only computer-programmable URC unit in the consumer market. For a whole punch of reasons (including, I imagine, some howls of protest from their installer community) they pulled back and sold off their remaining inventory as a sort of junior member of the pro line only.

As a result, there were MX-810 units floating around at retail for years. Some with software in the packaging, some without. Some from dealers that could support the unit, some from others who couldn't, including many who had no idea that this unit was any different from all those key-programmed remotes they sold.

Is it any wonder there are a lot of confused and PO'd high-end consumer hobbyists out there who feel they have been treated badly by URC?

Last edited by Spoffo on December 11, 2014 19:36.
Post 26 made on Sunday November 22, 2015 at 18:11
Lurking Member
December 2008
I totally agree. I have had this remote control for about 3 years. When I got the remote, I programmed it and forgot about it. # years later, I purchased a new television and the preprogrammed remote for my receiver no longer works. So, luckily for me I am a developer and 3 years ago, I created a virtual environment solely for the remote software. However, to be honest the remote is not that great for all of this hassle. I will be doing some research into some other offerings, but this remote is artificially made difficult to get the software to program it and I might add, I paid a lot of money for this device and to be shamed into using it is ridiculous.
Post 27 made on Wednesday November 23, 2016 at 06:19
Lurking Member
November 2016
On November 22, 2015 at 18:11, imanym said...
I totally agree. I have had this remote control for about 3 years. When I got the remote, I programmed it and forgot about it. # years later, I purchased a new television and the preprogrammed remote for my receiver no longer works. So, luckily for me I am a developer


I'm in a similar situation. Got a MX-810 many moons ago, got the MR-260 as well at the time but for whatever reason never even bother to install it as the MX-810 did the job perfectly on its own.

However, today I decided to setup the MR-260 to finally get rid of some intermittent issues I've been having for years (mostly that I did have to point the remote toward a particular brand of DVD player that wouldn't otherwise turn on).

But I have no clue where I had installed the software and on which machine. I've moved many times over since.

Now, I have no idea where I could get a copy of it and restart from scratch.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you
Post 28 made on Saturday March 20, 2021 at 15:00
Junior Member
March 2021
Hi, While I appreciate the discourse here, I find that there are too many negative responses and way too little help. Too many dealers are getting upset because consumers want the software that they should RIGHTFULLY get. The MX-810 was SOLD as a self programmable remote (I have one with the original box). It came with the program cable + software. There is nowhere on the box that it requires professional programming! In fact... this is from the manual....

Programming the MX-810The MX-810 is programmed via a Windows PC equipped with a USB port(programming cable included), using our proprietary software, MX-810Setup. You can download this software from our Basic setup takes only a few minutes with this software. However, to fully automate an audio/video system the programmer must have a detailed knowledge of each component and how the system is connected and operated. We highly recommend that you use a professional audio/video installer to program your MX-810 so you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of the MX-810 as well as one touch operation via Activities. If you do opt to do some programming on your own, fill out the NOTES at the end of this manual before beginning. This will greatly speed the process of programming.

As you can see... they recommend a programmer but don't require one.
This is a 12 YEAR OLD REMOTE... I don't even remember which laptop I installed the software on .... and for reasons like this ... the software should be available and shareable to users!!! If someone has it, please PM me..... I will do the same if I find my original.
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