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URC-R40 - "My favourite remote"
This thread has 78 replies. Displaying posts 76 through 79.
Post 76 made on Sunday November 1, 2015 at 03:39
Lurking Member
November 2015
I have two r40s I loved the remote but the screens have not held up. One has lines all over to the point it is unreadable and the other has and few lines through the screen and is getting dim. I just picked up a couple of the old r50 real cheap so I'll try these out and hopefully at least these will hold up better. I also had the firmware issue that required sending them both back to urc. I was extremely disappointed in the screens of the r40 for the money I had rapped up in them.
Post 77 made on Sunday November 1, 2015 at 15:13
Long Time Member
December 2006
On November 1, 2015 at 03:39, Jhelferich said...
I have two r40s I loved the remote but the screens have not held up. One has lines all over to the point it is unreadable and the other has and few lines through the screen and is getting dim. I just picked up a couple of the old r50 real cheap so I'll try these out and hopefully at least these will hold up better. I also had the firmware issue that required sending them both back to urc. I was extremely disappointed in the screens of the r40 for the money I had rapped up in them.

The R50 has an LCD screen (same as used on the pro MX-450 and MX-890) so it will not become dim like the OLED screens are doing.

In my R40 thread over at AVS, there are like 7 different units reported with dimmed OLED screens (R40 as well as the pro-version MX-780 which uses the same OLED screen). My oldest R40 is now so dim it's no longer usable. I have a few MX-780s with dim screens to varying extents.

URC has finally become aware of the issue with their OLED screens becoming dim and has recently switched to using LCD screens on their MX-780 going forward. I had complained to them about this problem some time ago and they told me they don't have a problem and mine must just be defective, but since it's out of warranty they couldn't help me other than selling me a new one at MSRP.
URC MX-890, MX-780, MX-450, R40, MX-500, Sony XBR-55X900E, Panny TC-P55ST60, Tivo Roamio Pro & Premiere & OTA, TWC Arris DVR, Onkyo 333 AVR, Roku Express 4K, Panasonic Blu-Ray
Post 78 made on Friday November 27, 2015 at 01:40
Lurking Member
November 2015

Do you know if anyone has tried to replace the OLED?

Thank you

Post 79 made on Saturday November 28, 2015 at 16:56
Elite Member
April 2002
It can't be replaced, its glued to the board, if you attempt to remove it you'll brake it. By ripping the ribbon cable which is very thin, sneeze on it and it'll tear.
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