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SONY RM-LP211 Remote Control Faulty Joystick Push Button Bypass Hack RM-AV3000T (STR-DB1080)
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Post 1 made on Thursday August 8, 2019 at 17:51
Lurking Member
August 2019
Hello there,

I'm posting here because I think it's appropriate & it's hard to find anywhere else to post this info,
I think it might help others that are having the same problem like myself, I have a SONY STR-DB1080 Amp/Receiver & it came with an RM-LP211 remote control but I have not used it for a very long time (about 6 years) because the joystick's center push button stop working so I purchased an
RM-AV3000T to replace it, I taught all the settings from the RM-LP211 to the RM-AV3000T but I could not get it to learn the joystick's center button function because the button no longer worked on my RM-LP211, that's why I purchased the RM-AV3000T in the first place, so now I had two remotes controls without the center joystick function, I looked into buying an OFA universal remote & I was going to attempt to use the advanced discrete codes but it's all to complex & I didn't want to spend more money to purchase a third remote just for one button, so this is what I did,
I open up my RM-LP211 & I started tinkering with the main board & I found a very simple & easy solution, all I did was bypass the joystick button with a copper wire & got the RM-AV3000T to learn the joystick's center button function, you can use this method for the other four up, down, left & right push button functions, you just have to work out where to place the wire contacts for different functions but it might take some time figuring it all out, just point your RM-LP211 towards your Receiver when you do it this way you will know which function got triggered when the Receiver reacts, I will upload a photo link that will show you what I did, first you need to carefully open up your remote control but before you do use the scroll button to set the arrow→ on "→RECEIVER" if you don't do this before hand the joystick buttons won't be able to send a signal, once your remote is open use a small screw driver & very carefully undo the 2 metal tabs on one side of the joystick's housing & then lift it off, inside you will see 5 silver circle tabs, in the center position there should be two circle tabs, I don't know if this made a difference but I removed one of the tiny silver circle tabs from the center position (just the top one), point both the RM-LP211 & the RM-AV3000T towards each other & use the learn function on the RM-AV3000T, choose the button you want to program, press your chosen button to learn & quickly touch the two ends of the wire to the circuit contacts just like in my picture of the circuit board, make sure you see the wave signal pattern on the top right corner of RM-LP211's LCD screen to confirm that the signal was sent & you're done.

Also one more tip, when you are teaching commands to your RM-AV3000T like the volume keys or the select arrow keys & you don't want to have to keep pressing volume select up or down one decibel at a time, just press learn on the RM-AV3000T then press & hold down the buttons on the other remote, that way the RM-AV300T will learn to repeat the commands without you having to press the buttons over & over again, I hope this helps.


Last edited by Robzta on August 17, 2019 18:28.

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