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Your search found 5 files by Tyler Akins.
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Emerson VCR VCR964
(Remote model 70-2120)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tyler Akins
Two sample screens with button layouts, plus a separate page with the codes.
Updated: June 19, 2001  Size: 5kb
(Remote model 5770)
For: Philips TSU2000
By: Tyler Akins
Codes for all button on this VCR. Also includes a simple layout.
Updated: October 30, 2001  Size: 5kb
Sanyo Television DS25580
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tyler Akins
Sample screen setup plus a separate page with codes.
Updated: June 19, 2001  Size: 3kb
Sony Mini System CFD-560
(Remote model RMT-C560)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tyler Akins
Two sample screens with button layouts, plus a separate page with the codes.
Updated: June 19, 2001  Size: 5kb
Toshiba DVD Player SD2006
(Remote model SE-R1006)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tyler Akins
Three sample screens with button layouts, plus two separate pages with codes.
Updated: June 19, 2001  Size: 7kb
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