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What's new for Tuesday March 9, 2004...
(Return to the March 2004 news index...) Welcome to the new server!
After many months of preparation, I’m pleased to announce that Remote Central has finally moved to a much faster server! This brand new dedicated machine features oodles of processing power, gobs of memory and heaps of disk space, all to ensure that your browsing experience continues to be the best it can be.

Although the change officially occurred early Monday morning, I’m only now comfortable that everything is working properly. The server continues to be hosted at, a fantastic ISP where we have been situated for over three years now – and hopefully many more years to come!

Everything should now feel much more responsive – especially the forums and file areas. However, since Remote Central has grown into such a large site to manage, I would especially appreciate it if everyone could keep an eye out for missing, broken or out-of-date areas that may not have transferred properly, and email me if necessary.

In other Remote Central news, March 12th marks our sixth anniversary on the Internet. If you’d like to see a quick history of the site, check out our brief design history from last year.

Design contest over...
As many of you will have no doubt noticed, both the submission and voting states of The Great Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 PCF Design Contest have now concluded. I will be compiling the votes received and posting the final results as soon as possible. Stay tuned!

This news report was updated on May 18, 2006.