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What's new for Wednesday July 28, 2004...
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URC-100 Unifier, URC-200 Automator & URC-300 Customizer New tri-review for the URC series!
You’ve undoubtedly heard the name “Universal Remote Control” before. Not just because it’s the type of product that we cover here, but because the company “Universal Remote Control Inc.” makes some of the hottest hard buttoned remotes available – specifically the Home Theater Master series, which includes the popular MX-500 and MX-700 models. Although Home Theater Master remotes are primarily targeted towards custom installers (the guys that put audio and video systems of varying complexity into houses and other buildings), Universal Remote has been wanting to make a break into the broader consumer market.

With that goal in mind, they’ve recently released a new consumer series of remotes with three advanced models. There’s the URC-100 “Unifer” all-hard buttoned model, the URC-200 “Automator” with large LCD display, and the URC-300 “Customizer” with an LCD touchscreen. These three remotes vary in price from $100 to $200 USD MSRP and can be expanded to work with an optional RF basestation.

Although these are new designs, they share quite a few similarities to the company’s previous offerings. Features include control of 8 to 15 devices, lots of hard buttons, LCD screens, numerous macros, custom labelled commands, a favorite channel section, menu cursor pad, and a whole lot more.

I’m very pleased today to announce our latest review, covering all three of these new remotes. As usual it’s packed with plenty of in-depth detail and a copious number of photos. So how do these remotes stack up to their forbearers? You’ll have to read the review to find out!

Read all about the URC-100, URC-200 & URC-300!

This news report was updated on May 18, 2006.